

Crier reports your prowjobs on their status changes.

Usage / How to enable existing available reporters

For any reporter you want to use, you need to mount your prow configs and specify --config-path and job-config-path flag as most of other prow controllers do.

Gerrit reporter

You can enable gerrit reporter in crier by specifying --gerrit-workers=n flag.

Similar to the gerrit adapter, you’ll need to specify --gerrit-projects for your gerrit projects, and also --cookiefile for the gerrit auth token (leave it unset for anonymous).

Gerrit reporter will send an aggregated summary message, when all gerrit adapter scheduled prowjobs with the same report label finish on a revision. It will also attach a report url so people can find logs of the job.

The reporter will also cast a +1/-1 vote on the label of your prowjob, or by default it will vote on CodeReview label. Where +1 means all jobs on the patshset pass and -1 means one or more jobs failed on the patchset.

Pubsub reporter

You can enable pubsub reporter in crier by specifying --pubsub-workers=n flag.

You need to specify following labels in order for pubsub reporter to report your prowjob:

Label Description
"" Your gcp project where pubsub channel lives
"" The topic of your pubsub message
"" A user assigned job id. It’s tied to the prowjob, serves as a name tag and help user to differentiate results in multiple pubsub messages

The service account used by crier will need to have pubsub.topics.publish permission in the project where pubsub channel lives, e.g. by assigning the roles/pubsub.publisher IAM role

Pubsub reporter will report whenever prowjob has a state transition.

You can check the reported result by list the pubsub topic.

GitHub reporter

You can enable github reporter in crier by specifying --github-workers=N flag (N>0).

You also need to mount a github oauth token by specifying --github-token-path flag, which defaults to /etc/github/oauth.

If you have a ghproxy deployed, also remember to point --github-endpoint to your ghproxy to avoid token throttle.

The actual report logic is in the github report library for your reference.

Slack reporter

NOTE: if enabling the slack reporter for the first time, Crier will message to the Slack channel for all ProwJobs matching the configured filtering criteria.

You can enable the Slack reporter in crier by specifying the --slack-workers=n and --slack-token-file=path-to-tokenfile flags.

The --slack-token-file flag takes a path to a file containing a Slack OAuth Access Token.

The OAuth Access Token can be obtained as follows:

  1. Navigate to:
  2. Click Create New App.
  3. Provide an App Name (e.g. Prow Slack Reporter) and Development Slack Workspace (e.g. Kubernetes).
  4. Click Permissions.
  5. Add the chat:write.public scope using the Scopes / Bot Token Scopes dropdown and Save Changes.
  6. Click Install App to Workspace
  7. Click Allow to authorize the Oauth scopes.
  8. Copy the OAuth Access Token.

Once the access token is obtained, you can create a secret in the cluster using that value:

kubectl create secret generic slack-token --from-literal=token=< access token >

Furthermore, to make this token available to Crier, mount the slack-token secret using a volume and set the --slack-token-file flag in the deployment spec.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: crier
    app: crier
      app: crier
        app: crier
      - name: crier
        - --slack-workers=1
        - --slack-token-file=/etc/slack/token
        - --config-path=/etc/config/config.yaml
        - --dry-run=false
        - mountPath: /etc/config
          name: config
          readOnly: true
        - name: slack
          mountPath: /etc/slack
          readOnly: true
      - name: slack
          secretName: slack-token
      - name: config
          name: config

Additionally, in order for it to work with Prow you must add the following to your config.yaml:

NOTE: slack_reporter_configs is a map of org, org/repo, or * (i.e. catch-all wildcard) to a set of slack reporter configs.


  # Wildcard (i.e. catch-all) slack config
    # default: None
      - presubmit
      - postsubmit
    # default: None
      - failure
      - error
    # required
    channel: my-slack-channel
    # The template shown below is the default
    report_template: "Job {{.Spec.Job}} of type {{.Spec.Type}} ended with state {{.Status.State}}. <{{.Status.URL}}|View logs>"

  # "org/repo" slack config
      - presubmit
      - error
    channel: istio-proxy-channel

  # "org" slack config
      - periodic
      - failure
    channel: istio-channel

The channel, job_states_to_report and report_template can be overridden at the ProwJob level via the reporter_config.slack field:

    - name: example-job
      decorate: true
          channel: 'override-channel-name'
            - success
          report_template: "Overridden template for job {{.Spec.Job}}"
          - image: alpine
              - echo

To silence notifications at the ProwJob level you can pass an empty slice to reporter_config.slack.job_states_to_report: postsubmits:

    - name: example-job
      decorate: true
          job_states_to_report: []
          - image: alpine
              - echo

Implementation details

Crier supports multiple reporters, each reporter will become a crier controller. Controllers will get prowjob change notifications from a shared informer, and you can specify --num-workers to change parallelism.

If you are interested in how client-go works under the hood, the details are explained in this doc

Adding a new reporter

Each crier controller takes in a reporter.

Each reporter will implement the following interface:

type reportClient interface {
	Report(pj *v1.ProwJob) error
	GetName() string
	ShouldReport(pj *v1.ProwJob) bool

GetName will return the name of your reporter, the name will be used as a key when we store previous reported state for each prowjob.

ShouldReport will return if a prowjob should be handled by current reporter.

Report is the actual report logic happens. Return nil means report is successful, and the reported state will be saved in the prowjob. Return an actual error if report fails, crier will re-add the prowjob key to the shared cache and retry up to 5 times.

You can add a reporter that implements the above interface, and add a flag to turn it on/off in crier.

Migration from plank for github report

Both plank and crier will call into the github report lib when a prowjob needs to be reported, so as a user you only want to make one of them to report :-)

To disable GitHub reporting in Plank, add the --skip-report=true flag to the Plank deployment.

Before migrating, be sure plank is setting the PrevReportStates field by describing a finished presubmit prowjob. Plank started to set this field after commit 2118178, if not, you want to upgrade your plank to a version includes this commit before moving forward.

you can check this entry by:

$ kubectl get prowjobs -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{}{"\t"}{.status.prev_report_states.github-reporter}{"\n"}'
fafec9e1-3af2-11e9-ad1a-0a580a6c0d12	failure
fb027a97-3af2-11e9-ad1a-0a580a6c0d12	success
fb0499d3-3af2-11e9-ad1a-0a580a6c0d12	failure
fb05935f-3b2b-11e9-ad1a-0a580a6c0d12	success
fb05e1f1-3af2-11e9-ad1a-0a580a6c0d12	error
fb06c55c-3af2-11e9-ad1a-0a580a6c0d12	success
fb09e7d8-3abb-11e9-816a-0a580a6c0f7f	success

You want to add a crier deployment, similar to ours config/prow/cluster/crier_deployment.yaml, flags need to be specified:

  • point config-path and --job-config-path to your prow config and job configs accordingly.
  • Set --github-worker to be number of parallel github reporting threads you need
  • Point --github-endpoint to ghproxy, if you have set that for plank
  • Bind github oauth token as a secret and set --github-token-path if you’ve have that set for plank.

In your plank deployment, you can

  • Remove the --github-endpoint flags
  • Remove the github oauth secret, and --github-token-path flag if set
  • Flip on --skip-report, so plank will skip the reporting logic

Both change should be deployed at the same time, if have an order preference, deploy crier first since report twice should just be a no-op.

We will send out an announcement when we cleaning up the report dependency from plank in later 2019.