

Sub is a Prow Cloud Pub/Sub adapter for handling CI Pub/Sub notification requests. Note that the prow job need to be defined in the configuration.

Deployment Usage

Sub supports 2 running modes, Push and Pull. Note that each subscription need to be one or the other, but Sub will run both.

When deploy the sub component, you need to specify --config-path to your prow config, and optionally --job-config-path to your prowjob config if you have split them up.


  • --push-secret-file: Path to Pub/Sub Push secret file.
  • --dry-run: Dry run for testing. Uses API tokens but does not mutate.
  • --grace-period: On shutdown, try to handle remaining events for the specified duration.

Push Server

In order to use the Push Mode, an HTTPs server needs to be setup and the URL must be defined in the Cloud Pub/Sub subscription. More information at

To secure even more requests from Cloud Pub/Sub, you can use --push-secret-file option. When using a push secret add the token to the URL like so More info at

Pull Server

All pull subscriptions need to be defined in Prow Configuration:

  - "subscription-01"
  - "subscription-02"
  - "subscription-03"
  - "subscription-01"
  - "subscription-02"
  - "subscription-03"

Sub must be running with GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable pointing to the service account credentials JSON file. The service account used must have the right permission on the subscriptions (Pub/Sub Subscriber, and Pub/Sub Editor).

More information at

Sending a Pub/Sub Notification

Periodic Prow Jobs

When creating your Pub/Sub message, add an attributes with key and value, and a payload like so:

    # GCP project where prowjobs statues are published by prow. Must also provide "" to take effect.
    # It's highly recommended to configure this even if prowjobs are monitorings by other means, since this is also where errors are
    # reported when the job failed to be triggered
    # GCP pubsub topic where prowjobs statues are published by prow, must be a different topic from where this payload is published to

This will find and start the periodic job my-periodic-job, and add / overwrite the annotations and envs to the Prow job. The* annotations are used to publish job status.

Note: periodic jobs always clone source code from ref instead of specific SHA, if it’s desired to trigger a prowjob on specific SHA you can use postsubmit job

Presubmit Prow Jobs

Triggering presubmit job is similar to periodic jobs. Two things to change:

  • instead of an attributes with key and value, replace the value with
  • requires setting refs instructing presubmit jobs how to clone source code:
  # Common fields as above

    "org": "org-a",
    "repo": "repo-b",
    "base_ref": "main",
    "base_sha": "abc123",
    "pulls": [
        "sha": "def456"

This will start presubmit job my-presubmit-job, clones source code like pull requests defined under pulls, which merges to base_ref at base_sha.

(There are more fields can be supplied, see full documentation. For example, if you want the job to be reported on the PR, add number field right next to sha)

Postsubmit Prow Jobs

Triggering presubmit job is similar to periodic jobs. Two things to change:

  • instead of an attributes with key and value, replace the value with
  • requires setting refs instructing postsubmit jobs how to clone source code:
  # Common fields as above

    "org": "org-a",
    "repo": "repo-b",
    "base_ref": "main",
    "base_sha": "abc123"

This will start postsubmit job my-postsubmit-job, clones source code from base_ref at base_sha.

(There are more fields can be supplied, see full documentation)

Gerrit Presubmits and Postsubmits

Gerrit presubmit and postsubmit jobs require some additional labels and annotations to be specified in the pubsub payload if you wish for them to report results back to the Gerrit change. Specifically the following annotations must be supplied (values are examples):

  annotations: my-repo~master~I79eee198f020c2ff23d49dbe4d2b2ef7cdc4091b
  labels: "4" 2b8cafaab9bd3a829a6bdaa819a18f908bc677ca