
Run Prow integration tests

Run everything

Just run:


This script sets up the environment, runs all the available integration tests, and then cleans up everything.


To skip tearing down the kind cluster after running the tests, set SKIP_TEARDOWN=true when invoking the integration test:

SKIP_TEARDOWN=true ./prow/test/integration/


If the local cluster exists, run the tests and then delete the local cluster and the local registry with:

SKIP_SETUP=true ./prow/test/integration/

Add new integration tests

Add new components

(Assume the component to be added is named most-awesome-component)

Add new tests

Tests are implemented in Go and are located under the test directory.

  • [If this is a new component] Create a file called most-awesome-component_test.go
  • Add test in most-awesome-component_test.go