
Prometheues metrics that can be used for monitoring and alerting.

Prometheus Metrics

Some Prow components expose Prometheus metrics that can be used for monitoring and alerting. The following table describes the metrics that are currently available.

Component Type Metric Labels Description
Tide Gauge pooledprs org, repo, branch The number of PRs in each Tide pool.
Gauge updatetime org, repo, branch The last time each Tide pool was synced.
Gauge syncdur The Tide sync controller loop duration.
Gauge statusupdatedur The Tide status controller loop duration.
Histogram merges org, repo, branch A histogram of the number of PRs in each merge.
Counter tidepoolerrors org, repo, branch Count of Tide pool sync errors.
Counter tidequeryresults query_index, org_shard, result Count of Tide queries by query index, org shard, and result (success/error).
Counter tidesyncheartbeat controller Count of Tide syncs per controller.
Hook Counter prow_webhook_counter event_type The number of GitHub webhooks received by Prow.
Plank/Jenkins-Operator Gauge prowjobs job_name, type, state The number of ProwJobs.
Jenkins-Operator Counter jenkins_requests verb, handler, code The number of jenkins requests made by Prow.
Counter jenkins_request_retries The number of jenkins request retries Prow has made.
Histogram jenkins_request_latency verb, handler A histogram of round trip times between Prow and Jenkins.
Histogram resync_period_seconds A histogram of the jenkins controller loop duration.
Bugzilla Histogram bugzilla_request_duration method, status Bugzilla request duration by API path.
Sinker Gauge sinker_pods_existing Number of the existing pods in each sinker cleaning.
Gauge sinker_loop_duration_seconds Time used in each sinker cleaning.
Gauge sinker_pods_removed reason Number of pods removed in each sinker cleaning.
Gauge sinker_pod_removal_errors reason Number of errors which occurred in each sinker pod cleaning.
Gauge sinker_prow_jobs_existing Number of the existing prow jobs in each sinker cleaning.
Gauge sinker_prow_jobs_cleaned reason Number of prow jobs cleaned in each sinker cleaning.
Gauge sinker_prow_jobs_cleaning_errors reason Number of errors which occurred in each sinker prow job cleaning.
Crier Histogram crier_report_latency reporter Histogram of time spent reporting, calculated by the time difference between job completion and end of reporting.
Counter crier_reporting_results reporter, result Count of successful and failed reporting attempts by reporter.
Flagutil Counter kubernetes_failed_client_creations cluster The number of clusters for which we failed to create a client.
Gerrit/Adapter Counter gerrit_processing_results instance, repo, result Count of change processing by instance, repo, and result.
Histogram gerrit_trigger_latency instance Histogram of seconds between triggering event and ProwJob creation time.
Gerrit/Client Counter gerrit_query_results instance, repo, result Count of Gerrit API queries by instance, repo, and result.
GitHub Gauge github_user_info token_hash, login, email Metadata about a user, tied to their token hash.
GitHub-Server Counter prow_webhook_counter event_type A counter of the webhooks made to prow.
Counter prow_webhook_response_codes response_code A counter of the different responses hook has responded to webhooks with.
Histogram prow_plugin_handle_duration_seconds event_type, action, plugin, took_action How long Prow took to handle an event by plugin, event type and action.
Counter prow_plugin_handle_errors event_type, action, plugin, took_action Prow errors handling an event by plugin, event type and action.
Jenkins Counter jenkins_requests verb, handler, code Number of Jenkins requests made from prow.
Counter jenkins_request_retries Number of Jenkins request retries made from prow.
Histogram jenkins_request_latency verb, handler Time for a request to roundtrip between prow and Jenkins.
Histogram resync_period_seconds Time the controller takes to complete one reconciliation loop.
Jira Histogram jira_request_duration_seconds method, path, status
Kube Gauge prowjobs job_namespace, job_name, type, state, org, repo, base_ref, cluster, retest Number of prowjobs in the system.
Counter prowjob_state_transitions job_namespace, job_name, type, state, org, repo, base_ref, cluster, retest Number of prowjobs transitioning states.
Plugins Gauge prow_configmap_size_bytes name, namespace Size of data fields in ConfigMaps updated automatically by Prow in bytes.
Pubsub/Subscriber Counter prow_pubsub_message_counter subscription A counter of the webhooks made to prow.
Counter prow_pubsub_error_counter subscription, error_type A counter of the webhooks made to prow.
Counter prow_pubsub_ack_counter subscription A counter for message acked made to prow.
Counter prow_pubsub_nack_counter subscription A counter for message nacked made to prow.
Counter prow_pubsub_response_codes response_code, subscription A counter of the different responses server has responded to Push Events with.
Version Gauge prow_version Prow Version.

Pushgateway and Proxy

To support metric collection from ephemeral tasks like request handling and to provide a single scrape endpoint, Prow’s prometheus metrics are pushed to a Prometheus pushgateway that is scraped instead of the metric source. A proxy is used to limit cluster external requests to GET requests since Prometheus doesn’t provide any form of authentication. The pushgateway and proxy deployment are defined in pushgateway_deployment.yaml.

Kubernetes Prow Metrics

Prometheus metrics from the Kubernetes Prow instance are used to create the graphs at

Last modified August 11, 2022: fixed metrics page deployment (798d9ef)